Alter Shop is a 3D asset marketplace where users can upload and sell their own 3D assets. This platform serves three main types of users: creators, players, and sellers.

Artists are individuals or businesses who have the skills and resources to create or scan their own 3D assets. They can upload their assets to Alter Shop, and once approved, these assets become available for purchase on the platform.

Players are individuals who use the Alter Shop app to purchase the assets and use it in the They can browse and purchase 3D assets created by creators, which they can then use in the app to enhance their gameplay experience.

Sellers are individuals or businesses who purchase 3D assets from creators and then resell them on the Alter Shop platform. This allows them to earn a profit by providing valuable assets to players who are looking to enhance their virtual reality experiences.

How to Create account in Alter Shop?

Now, let’s dive into the steps for creators to upload, create, and list their 3D assets for sale on Alter Shop. Go to Alter Shop while you read this post.

Step 1: Uploading your 3D Asset.

To upload your 3D asset to Alter Shop, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your Alter Shop account and navigate to the “Upload” section of the platform.
  2. Click on the “Upload” button and select the .glb file of your 3D asset from your computer. Make sure the file size is under 10MB and that the Tri count meets the requirements for the asset category.
    Tri count Max limit for each category:
    Body: 40,000 Tri count
    Building: 50,000 Tri count
    Indoor: 20,000 Tri count
    Outdoor: 30,000 Tri count
  3. Enter the name and description of your asset to make it clear for all the users looking for the asset.
  4. Click on the “Upload” button to upload your 3D asset to Alter Shop.

Step 2: Review Process

Before your asset can be listed on the Alter Shop platform, it will go through a review process to ensure that it doesn’t contain any copyrighted, offensive, or adult content. This is to maintain a high standard of quality and ensure that all assets on the platform are appropriate for all audiences. The review process usually takes 24-48 hours to complete. If your asset is approved, you can move on to the next step.

Step 3: Becoming the permanent creator of the asset.

To make yourself the permanent creator of your asset and receive future royalties, follow these steps:

  1. After uploading your 3D asset, select the approved asset from the “My Assets” section of the platform.
  2. Click on the “Create” button to create your asset and associate it with your Alter Shop account.
  3. Click on the “Create Asset” button to make yourself the permanent creator of your asset.

Note: There will be a price for creating an asset, but Alter Shop is waiving this fee for the first 10 creations for each user.

Step 4: Listing your 3D Asset for Sale

Once you’ve created your 3D asset, you can list it for sale on the Alter Shop marketplace. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Select your asset from the “My Assets” section of the platform.
  2. Click on the “Sell” button to list your asset for sale.
  3. Set a reasonable price based on the asset and list it for sale.

When a consumer purchases your asset, they will receive it in their Alter Shop wallet, and you will receive the royalties from the sale as the permanent creator of the asset.

In conclusion, Alter Shop is a great platform for creators to upload, create, and sell their own 3D assets. By following these simple steps, you can get started on creating and selling your own 3D assets on Alter Shop.

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